Welcome to the show....JOHN & BARBARA HOYT TOUR LONDON, BRIGHTON & LEWES, ENGLAND...(Points of Interests listed below)


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NOTE 3: Descriptions of the images are in the Blue Navigator 'URL' Box on top. 

Start the show         

(08-31-04 Updated Version) 322 Slides


Points of Interests during England Tour: (Click Below URL, or Copy & Paste in your internet browser window)
http://www.travellondon.com/templates/attractions/cleopatra.html Cleopatra's Obelisk
http://www.photoguide.to/london/londoneye.html The London Eye, or MILLENIUM WHEEL, by British Airways
http://www.westminster-abbey.org/history.htm West Minster Abbey History
http://www.johnhoyt.com/thumbz/London-Brighton-Lewes-UK_Tour_2004/WMAbbey_Booklet-Slideshow/ John & Barbara's Index of Images of a Booklet of West Minster Abbey - 36 slides
http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page568.asp Buckingham & Royal Residence Histories
http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/Renaissance/TowerofLondon/TowerLondon.html London Tower History
http://www.great-britain.co.uk/towns/london/trafalga.htm Nelson's Trafalgar Square
http://www.stpauls.co.uk/page.aspx?theLang=001lngdef&pointerid=97320F44yHMK9hndcXZBD5sVH4m52Yc0 St.Pauls Main Page
http://www.stpauls.co.uk/page.aspx?theLang=001lngdef&pointerID=29030O5fig2NDnpKO6Kz69841xRj5eq3 St. Pauls TimeLine
http://www.stpauls.co.uk/page.aspx?theLang=001lngdef&pointerID=87635ZdShyixQwD7DVnfwFdOFP84ewbQ St.Pauls Catherdral Virtual Tour - 2nd Largest Dome in the World.


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