Hildegarde Hoyt

< Arthur Lessner III Swift

Hewson Hoyt Swift
birt: 1920
deat: 1 JAN 2004
plac: Chicago,Cook Co.,IL

 Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Arthur Stephen Hoyt 
 birt: 3 JAN 1851
deat: 16 MAR 1924
marr: 9 OCT 1879
  Betsey Ann Barnes 
 birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Hildegarde Hoyt 
birt: 22 DEC 1889

Arthur Lessner Swift

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Arthur Lessner Swift

< Arthur Lessner III Swift

Hewson Hoyt Swift
birt: 1920
deat: 1 JAN 2004
plac: Chicago,Cook Co.,IL

 Arthur Lessner Swift 

Hildegarde Hoyt
birt: 22 DEC 1889

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Arthur Lessner III Swift

Galvin Swift

 Arthur Lessner Swift 
 Arthur Lessner III Swift 

Unknown Unkown
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315)
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Martha R. Close
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Arthur Stephen Hoyt 
  birt: 3 JAN 1851
deat: 16 MAR 1924
marr: 9 OCT 1879
   Betsey Ann Barnes 
  birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Hildegarde Hoyt 
birt: 22 DEC 1889

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Hewson Hoyt Swift

 Arthur Lessner Swift 
 Hewson Hoyt Swift 
birt: 1920
deat: 1 JAN 2004
plac: Chicago,Cook Co.,IL
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315)
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Martha R. Close
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Arthur Stephen Hoyt 
  birt: 3 JAN 1851
deat: 16 MAR 1924
marr: 9 OCT 1879
   Betsey Ann Barnes 
  birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Hildegarde Hoyt 
birt: 22 DEC 1889

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com


BIOGRAPHY: Obit in Science News: Hewson Swift, ASCB Co-Founder The cell biology community has lost one of its most admired figures, Hewson Swift- who passed away in Chicago on January 1, 2004 from complications of the flu. He was 83. Swift was an influential member of the Provisional Council of the ASCB in 1960, which led to the formation of the Society in 1961. He served as the ASCB's third President and was an active member of the Society over his entire career. BIOGRAPHY: Swift was born in Auburn, NY and received his undergraduate education at Swarthmore College and a master's degree from the University of Iowa. After a job as Curator of Spiders at the U.S. Natural History Museum in Washington, he entered graduate school at Columbia University and received his Ph.D. in 1950. He joined the University of Chicago as an Instructor in 1949 and remained there for his entire career, attaining the rank of full professor in 1958 and becoming the George Beadle Distinguished Service Professor in 1977. He served as Chairman of the Biology Department from 1972-77 and throughout his career was a major architect of the biological sciences at the University. BIOGRAPHY: Swift's first major achievement in cell biology was his Ph.D. dissertation research, under Arthur Pollister, which employed Feulgen staining of DNA combined with microspectrophotometry to reveal that there was a constant amount of DNA in most somatic cells of a given vertebrate animal, and half as much in germ cells. Though such a conclusion had been tentatively reached in earlier biochemical studies, Swift's measurements at the single cell level (together with concurrent, similar measurements made by Hans Ris while a visiting fellow at the Rockefeller University) elegantly confirmed the principle of DNA constancy. Together with the demonstration by Hershey and Chase that bacteriophage insert their DNA but not appreciable protein into infected cells, these findings ended any lingering skepticism that the gene was DNA. BIOGRAPHY: Swift's scientific career primarily embraced chromosome structure and function, combining a passion for ideal biological material with the application of experimental and technical innovation. He was an ardent cytochemist, skilled light micrcoscopist and a masterful electron microscopist, but also held an overarching genetic perspective. His (and his students') major contributions included pioneering studies of chromosomal proteins in plant cells, elegant comparisons of active and inactive chromatin in both Tetrahymena and Drosophila, and the first definitive work on nuclear particles containing pre-mRNA. One paper among his most cited, still today, revealed the passage of a messenger RNP particle to and through nuclear pores in ultrastructural detail (B.J. Stevens, B.J. and H. Swift, RNA transport from nucleus to cytoplasm in Chironomus. J. Cell Biol. 36:55-77, 1966.) Swift did not his restrict his attention to the nuclear genome however. He had a life-long interest in cytoplasmic inheritance and his laboratory played a key role in the emergence of the doctrine that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain genomes of their own (vide infra). BIOGRAPHY: Swift was magnetic in attracting many of Chicago's brightest graduate students over the years (an already very select population.) He rarely allowed his name to go on students' publications, something that is practically unheard of today. Another characteristic of his scholarship was that various reviews and symposium papers he published contained highly original ideas and insights, written with elegance and not repeated elsewhere. Rarely the case today. BIOGRAPHY: Swift had a gentle demeanor that some (who did not know him well enough) could mistake for constitutional aloofness. In fact, he found most people delightful (though he suffered fools not gladly) and was a most engaging and versatile conversationalist (on many subjects, including ones far beyond science). He had a very low tolerance for boastful people or scientific hyperbole. I once told him that he had discovered the cell cycle due to his finding (before Howard and Pelc) that DNA synthesis is discontinuous during interphase. He grinned (he an absolutely beautiful smile) and said "OK if you want to say so- just don't put those words in my mouth". No false modesty, simply an aversion to pushing an envelope too far. Swift could also turn into a powerful (even terrifying) combatant when truth was at stake or an underdog was being unfairly attacked. For example, he was an early champion of Ruth Sager's finding that Chlamydomonas chloroplasts contain DNA and defended the claim against skeptics. This finding also led Swift to collaborate with Lawrence Bogorad leading to their joint discovery of mitochondrial ribosomes. BIOGRAPHY: Swift received the ASCB's E.B. Wilson Award in 1985 and was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences of India. I know how much he cherished the E.B. Wilson Medal, due to his love for the ASCB. Hewson Swift will be long remembered as one of the last cytologists who spanned the pre-modern and modern eras of our profession, a man of vast biological knowledge, an inspiring mentor and colleague, and an individual of uncommon decency. DEATH: From: Galvin Swift Date: Friday, January 09, 2004 3:59:08 PM To: John E Hoyt Subject: Charles Sumner, etc more soon, but Charles Sumner Hoyt was Hildegarde's uncle- according to your chart. to the best of my knowledge John Hewson Hoyt was Hildegarde's only brother- so no continuing Y chromosomes from Arthur Hoyt. DEATH: I know some of the information you would like to have, but sadly, the last person who had all of it was Hewson. I have attached his photo and obituary which will be published in the Journal of Cell Biology. He was 83. DEATH: galvin swift EDUCATION: Hewson Swift, ASCB Co-Founder The cell biology community has lost one of its most admired figures, Hewson Swift- who passed away in Chicago on January 1, 2004 from complications of the flu. He was 83. Swift was an influential member of the Provisional Council of the ASCB in 1960, which led to the formation of the Society in 1961. He served as the ASCB's third President and was an active member of the Society over his entire career. EDUCATION: Swift was born in Auburn, NY and received his undergraduate education at Swarthmore College and a master's degree from the University of Iowa. After a job as Curator of Spiders at the U.S. Natural History Museum in Washington, he entered graduate school at Columbia University and received his Ph.D. in 1950. He joined the University of Chicago as an Instructor in 1949 and remained there for his entire career, attaining the rank of full professor in 1958 and becoming the George Beadle Distinguished Service Professor in 1977. He served as Chairman of the Biology Department from 1972-77 and throughout his career was a major architect of the biological sciences at the University. EDUCATION: Swift's first major achievement in cell biology was his Ph.D. dissertation research, under Arthur Pollister, which employed Feulgen staining of DNA combined with microspectrophotometry to reveal that there was a constant amount of DNA in most somatic cells of a given vertebrate animal, and half as much in germ cells. Though such a conclusion had been tentatively reached in earlier biochemical studies, Swift's measurements at the single cell level (together with concurrent, similar measurements made by Hans Ris while a visiting fellow at the Rockefeller University) elegantly confirmed the principle of DNA constancy. Together with the demonstration by Hershey and Chase that bacteriophage insert their DNA but not appreciable protein into infected cells, these findings ended any lingering skepticism that the gene was DNA. EDUCATION: Swift's scientific career primarily embraced chromosome structure and function, combining a passion for ideal biological material with the application of experimental and technical innovation. He was an ardent cytochemist, skilled light micrcoscopist and a masterful electron microscopist, but also held an overarching genetic perspective. His (and his students') major contributions included pioneering studies of chromosomal proteins in plant cells, elegant comparisons of active and inactive chromatin in both Tetrahymena and Drosophila, and the first definitive work on nuclear particles containing pre-mRNA. One paper among his most cited, still today, revealed the passage of a messenger RNP particle to and through nuclear pores in ultrastructural detail (B.J. Stevens, B.J. and H. Swift, RNA transport from nucleus to cytoplasm in Chironomus. J. Cell Biol. 36:55-77, 1966.) Swift did not his restrict his attention to the nuclear genome however. He had a life-long interest in cytoplasmic inheritance and his laboratory played a key role in the emergence of the doctrine that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain genomes of their own (vide infra). EDUCATION: Swift was magnetic in attracting many of Chicago's brightest graduate students over the years (an already very select population.) He rarely allowed his name to go on students' publications, something that is practically unheard of today. Another characteristic of his scholarship was that various reviews and symposium papers he published contained highly original ideas and insights, written with elegance and not repeated elsewhere. Rarely the case today. EDUCATION: Swift had a gentle demeanor that some (who did not know him well enough) could mistake for constitutional aloofness. In fact, he found most people delightful (though he suffered fools not gladly) and was a most engaging and versatile conversationalist (on many subjects, including ones far beyond science). He had a very low tolerance for boastful people or scientific hyperbole. I once told him that he had discovered the cell cycle due to his finding (before Howard and Pelc) that DNA synthesis is discontinuous during interphase. He grinned (he an absolutely beautiful smile) and said "OK if you want to say so- just don't put those words in my mouth". No false modesty, simply an aversion to pushing an envelope too far. Swift could also turn into a powerful (even terrifying) combatant when truth was at stake or an underdog was being unfairly attacked. For example, he was an early champion of Ruth Sager's finding that Chlamydomonas chloroplasts contain DNA and defended the claim against skeptics. This finding also led Swift to collaborate with Lawrence Bogorad leading to their joint discovery of mitochondrial ribosomes. EDUCATION: Swift received the ASCB's E.B. Wilson Award in 1985 and was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences of India. I know how much he cherished the E.B. Wilson Medal, due to his love for the ASCB. Hewson Swift will be long remembered as one of the last cytologists who spanned the pre-modern and modern eras of our profession, a man of vast biological knowledge, an inspiring mentor and colleague, and an individual of uncommon decency. EDUCATION: Source FROM: From: Galvin Swift Date: Friday, January 09, 2004 3:59:08 PM To: John E Hoyt Subject: Charles Sumner, etc more soon, but Charles Sumner Hoyt was Hildegarde's uncle- according to your chart. to the best of my knowledge John Hewson Hoyt was Hildegarde's only brother- so no continuing Y chromosomes from Arthur Hoyt. EDUCATION: I know some of the information you would like to have, but sadly, the last person who had all of it was Hewson. I have attached his photo and obituary which will be published in the Journal of Cell Biology. EDUCATION: galvin swift OCCUPATION: Hewson Swift, ASCB Co-Founder The cell biology community has lost one of its most admired figures, Hewson Swift- who passed away in Chicago on January 1, 2004 from complications of the flu. He was 83. Swift was an influential member of the Provisional Council of the ASCB in 1960, which led to the formation of the Society in 1961. He served as the ASCB's third President and was an active member of the Society over his entire career. OCCUPATION: Swift was born in Auburn, NY and received his undergraduate education at Swarthmore College and a master's degree from the University of Iowa. After a job as Curator of Spiders at the U.S. Natural History Museum in Washington, he entered graduate school at Columbia University and received his Ph.D. in 1950. He joined the University of Chicago as an Instructor in 1949 and remained there for his entire career, attaining the rank of full professor in 1958 and becoming the George Beadle Distinguished Service Professor in 1977. He served as Chairman of the Biology Department from 1972-77 and throughout his career was a major architect of the biological sciences at the University. OCCUPATION: Swift's first major achievement in cell biology was his Ph.D. dissertation research, under Arthur Pollister, which employed Feulgen staining of DNA combined with microspectrophotometry to reveal that there was a constant amount of DNA in most somatic cells of a given vertebrate animal, and half as much in germ cells. Though such a conclusion had been tentatively reached in earlier biochemical studies, Swift's measurements at the single cell level (together with concurrent, similar measurements made by Hans Ris while a visiting fellow at the Rockefeller University) elegantly confirmed the principle of DNA constancy. Together with the demonstration by Hershey and Chase that bacteriophage insert their DNA but not appreciable protein into infected cells, these findings ended any lingering skepticism that the gene was DNA. OCCUPATION: Swift's scientific career primarily embraced chromosome structure and function, combining a passion for ideal biological material with the application of experimental and technical innovation. He was an ardent cytochemist, skilled light micrcoscopist and a masterful electron microscopist, but also held an overarching genetic perspective. His (and his students') major contributions included pioneering studies of chromosomal proteins in plant cells, elegant comparisons of active and inactive chromatin in both Tetrahymena and Drosophila, and the first definitive work on nuclear particles containing pre-mRNA. One paper among his most cited, still today, revealed the passage of a messenger RNP particle to and through nuclear pores in ultrastructural detail (B.J. Stevens, B.J. and H. Swift, RNA transport from nucleus to cytoplasm in Chironomus. J. Cell Biol. 36:55-77, 1966.) Swift did not his restrict his attention to the nuclear genome however. He had a life-long interest in cytoplasmic inheritance and his laboratory played a key role in the emergence of the doctrine that mitochondria and chloroplasts contain genomes of their own (vide infra). OCCUPATION: Swift was magnetic in attracting many of Chicago's brightest graduate students over the years (an already very select population.) He rarely allowed his name to go on students' publications, something that is practically unheard of today. Another characteristic of his scholarship was that various reviews and symposium papers he published contained highly original ideas and insights, written with elegance and not repeated elsewhere. Rarely the case today. OCCUPATION: Swift had a gentle demeanor that some (who did not know him well enough) could mistake for constitutional aloofness. In fact, he found most people delightful (though he suffered fools not gladly) and was a most engaging and versatile conversationalist (on many subjects, including ones far beyond science). He had a very low tolerance for boastful people or scientific hyperbole. I once told him that he had discovered the cell cycle due to his finding (before Howard and Pelc) that DNA synthesis is discontinuous during interphase. He grinned (he an absolutely beautiful smile) and said "OK if you want to say so- just don't put those words in my mouth". No false modesty, simply an aversion to pushing an envelope too far. Swift could also turn into a powerful (even terrifying) combatant when truth was at stake or an underdog was being unfairly attacked. For example, he was an early champion of Ruth Sager's finding that Chlamydomonas chloroplasts contain DNA and defended the claim against skeptics. This finding also led Swift to collaborate with Lawrence Bogorad leading to their joint discovery of mitochondrial ribosomes. OCCUPATION: Swift received the ASCB's E.B. Wilson Award in 1985 and was a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences of India. I know how much he cherished the E.B. Wilson Medal, due to his love for the ASCB. Hewson Swift will be long remembered as one of the last cytologists who spanned the pre-modern and modern eras of our profession, a man of vast biological knowledge, an inspiring mentor and colleague, and an individual of uncommon decency. OCCUPATION: FROM: From: Galvin Swift Date: Friday, January 09, 2004 3:59:08 PM To: John E Hoyt Subject: Charles Sumner, etc more soon, but Charles Sumner Hoyt was Hildegarde's uncle- according to your chart. to the best of my knowledge John Hewson Hoyt was Hildegarde's only brother- so no continuing Y chromosomes from Arthur Hoyt. OCCUPATION: I know some of the information you would like to have, but sadly, the last person who had all of it was Hewson. I have attached his photo and obituary which will be published in the Journal of Cell Biology. OCCUPATION: galvin swift

Charles Sumner Hoyt

< Eleanor Hoyt

Ruth Hoyt
birt: 30 JUL 1890
deat: 17 AUG 1891

< Winifred Hoyt
birt: 5 FEB 1893
marr: 8 AUG 1925

< Stephen Charles Hoyt
birt: 18 JAN 1896

 Benjamin Hoitt Hoyt|(2874)
 birt: 4 DEC 1721
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 11 FEB 1810
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
marr: 28 AUG 1751
 Timothy Hoyt|(3341) 
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Patience Smith
 birt: 1729
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 25 APR 1812
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
marr: 28 AUG 1751
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
   Daniel Olmstead
   birt: 22 MAR 1754
deat: Davenport,Delaware,New York
marr: 22 JAN 1772
marr: 22 JAN 1772
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly? 
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Joanna Olmsted
 birt: 7 FEB 1847/1848
marr: 22 JAN 1772
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close 
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Charles Sumner Hoyt 
birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903

Florence Smith
marr: 16 JUN 1887
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
 Betsey Ann Barnes 
birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Anna Marilla Hoyt

< Anna Lorraine Washburn
birt: 7 AUG 1888
marr: 15 DEC 1914

George Edward Washburn
birt: 27 FEB 1891

Arthur Hoyt Washburn
birt: 18 MAR 1893

< Alfred Hamlin Washburn
birt: 14 MAR 1896
marr: 15 FEB 1923

 Benjamin Hoitt Hoyt|(2874)
 birt: 4 DEC 1721
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 11 FEB 1810
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
marr: 28 AUG 1751
 Timothy Hoyt|(3341) 
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Patience Smith
 birt: 1729
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 25 APR 1812
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
marr: 28 AUG 1751
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
   Daniel Olmstead
   birt: 22 MAR 1754
deat: Davenport,Delaware,New York
marr: 22 JAN 1772
marr: 22 JAN 1772
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly? 
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Joanna Olmsted
 birt: 7 FEB 1847/1848
marr: 22 JAN 1772
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close 
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Anna Marilla Hoyt 
birt: 3 OCT 1858
deat: 8 APR 1915

George Hamlin Washburn
marr: 22 SEP 1887
birt: 22 MAY 1860
 Betsey Ann Barnes 
birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Florence Smith

< Eleanor Hoyt

Ruth Hoyt
birt: 30 JUL 1890
deat: 17 AUG 1891

< Winifred Hoyt
birt: 5 FEB 1893
marr: 8 AUG 1925

< Stephen Charles Hoyt
birt: 18 JAN 1896

 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917

Charles Sumner Hoyt
marr: 16 JUN 1887
birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Ruth Hoyt

 Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Charles Sumner Hoyt 
 birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
  Betsey Ann Barnes 
 birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Ruth Hoyt 
birt: 30 JUL 1890
deat: 17 AUG 1891
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Winifred Hoyt

 Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Charles Sumner Hoyt 
 birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
  Betsey Ann Barnes 
 birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Winifred Hoyt 
birt: 5 FEB 1893

Robert Hastings Nichols
marr: 8 AUG 1925
birt: 2 OCT 1873
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Stephen Charles Hoyt

 Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Charles Sumner Hoyt 
 birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
  Betsey Ann Barnes 
 birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Stephen Charles Hoyt 
birt: 18 JAN 1896

Stanis Hoyne
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Eleanor Hoyt

Nicholas Hoyt Witte

Isabel Witte

Edward Latchworth Witte

 Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
 birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
 birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
 birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
 Stephen Close Hoyt 
 birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Stephen Close
  Martha R. Close 
 birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Charles Sumner Hoyt 
 birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
  Betsey Ann Barnes 
 birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Eleanor Hoyt 

Edward Byrch Witte
birt: 22 APR 1896
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Edward Byrch Witte

Nicholas Hoyt Witte

Isabel Witte

Edward Latchworth Witte

 Edward Byrch Witte 
birt: 22 APR 1896

Eleanor Hoyt

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Nicholas Hoyt Witte

 Edward Byrch Witte 
 birt: 22 APR 1896
 Nicholas Hoyt Witte 
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315)
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Martha R. Close
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Charles Sumner Hoyt 
  birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
   Betsey Ann Barnes 
  birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Eleanor Hoyt 
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Isabel Witte

 Edward Byrch Witte 
 birt: 22 APR 1896
 Isabel Witte 
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315)
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Martha R. Close
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Charles Sumner Hoyt 
  birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
   Betsey Ann Barnes 
  birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Eleanor Hoyt 
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Edward Latchworth Witte

 Edward Byrch Witte 
 birt: 22 APR 1896
 Edward Latchworth Witte 
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315)
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
   Martha R. Close
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
  Charles Sumner Hoyt 
  birt: 30 MAY 1856
deat: 28 JAN 1903
marr: 16 JUN 1887
   Betsey Ann Barnes 
  birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
 Eleanor Hoyt 
 Florence Smith 
birt: 9 AUG 1863
deat: 7 MAY 1917
marr: 16 JUN 1887

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Stanis Hoyne

 Stanis Hoyne 

Stephen Charles Hoyt
birt: 18 JAN 1896

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Robert Hastings Nichols

 Robert Hastings Nichols 
birt: 2 OCT 1873

Winifred Hoyt
marr: 8 AUG 1925
birt: 5 FEB 1893

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

George Hamlin Washburn

< Anna Lorraine Washburn
birt: 7 AUG 1888
marr: 15 DEC 1914

George Edward Washburn
birt: 27 FEB 1891

Arthur Hoyt Washburn
birt: 18 MAR 1893

< Alfred Hamlin Washburn
birt: 14 MAR 1896
marr: 15 FEB 1923

 George Hamlin Washburn 
birt: 22 MAY 1860

Anna Marilla Hoyt
marr: 22 SEP 1887
birt: 3 OCT 1858
deat: 8 APR 1915

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Anna Lorraine Washburn

Anne Cuthbert Hall

 George Hamlin Washburn 
 birt: 22 MAY 1860
marr: 22 SEP 1887
 Anna Lorraine Washburn 
birt: 7 AUG 1888

Basil Hall
marr: 15 DEC 1914
birt: 1 JAN 1888
  Timothy Hoyt|(3341)
  birt: 12 JUN 1770
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 21 JUN 1862
plac: Muir-Lyons,Ionia Co.,MI
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Nehemiah Hoyt (4315) 
  birt: 14 MAR 1800
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 14 NOV 1877
plac: Meridian,Cayuga Co.,NY
marr: 1 FEB 1821
   Dolly Olmsted, Olmstead|Polly?
  birt: 12 AUG 1778
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
deat: 16 MAR 1845
plac: Sennet,Cayuga Co,. NY
marr: 12 MAR 1799
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,CT
  Stephen Close Hoyt 
  birt: 22 NOV 1822
plac: Sennett,Cayuga Co.,NY
deat: 29 FEB 1888
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY
    Stephen Close
   Martha R. Close 
  birt: 25 NOV 1802
deat: 12 OCT 1857
marr: 1 FEB 1821
 Anna Marilla Hoyt 
birt: 3 OCT 1858
deat: 8 APR 1915
marr: 22 SEP 1887
 Betsey Ann Barnes 
birt: 30 OCT 1821
deat: 6 JAN 1907
marr: 28 SEP 1848
plac: Ira,Cayuga Co.,NY

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com

Basil Hall

Anne Cuthbert Hall

 Basil Hall 
birt: 1 JAN 1888

Anna Lorraine Washburn
marr: 15 DEC 1914
birt: 7 AUG 1888

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at: jeh49341@chartermi.com