George Hull

 George Hull 
birt: 27 AUG 1590
plac: Plymouth,Devonshire,England
deat: Bef 25 AUG 1659
plac: Fairfield,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut

Sarah Pinckney
marr: Aft 1654
plac: probably Fairfield,Fairfield,Connecticut
birt: 1596
plac: Weymouth,Dorset,England
deat: AUG 1659
plac: Fairfield,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at:


2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Source: Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines, Vol II, Gates and Alli ed Families, compiled by Mary Walton Ferris, privately prin ted 1931. Came to New England on "Mary and John", apparentl y leaving some family in England because his son Joshua wa s christened in England after his departure. Humphrey Pinne y, his son-in-law, John Strong, and Thomas Ford were on th e same ship. They settled on a neck of land in the Massach usetts Bay Colony called Mattapan by the Indians, Dorcheste r by the colonists. In 1633, George Hull had 3 cows. He b ecame a freeman 4 Mar 1632-33, was member of first board o f selectmen in 1633 and continued in 1634-36. He was the r epresentative from Dorchester to the first General Court o f the Mass Bay Colony in Boston, 14 May 1634. In the latte r half of 1636 or early 1637, he accompanied other Dorchest er people to found Windsor, CT. They were followers of Rog er Ludlow and were liberal in church matters than those i n the Mass Bay Colony. George Hull was one of ten on the g overning body of CT that decided in favor of war with the P equots, 1 May 1637. Capt Mason went with 90 men, only 5 we re killed. A second expedition left 27 Jun 1637 and comple ted the overthrow of the Pequots about 25 miles SW of New H aven, N of Fairfield. In 1637 his house lot was 30 rods wi de, next to son Josiah. Next was son-in-law Humphrey Pinne y. Edward Griswold and S. Hoyte also had lots in Windsor . He surveyed Windsor and Wethersfield. Together with Rog er Ludlow, on 5 Apr 1638 was granted exclusive permission t o trade for beaver with Indians. From 1637 to 1646, he wa s deputy to General Court for at least 31 sessions includin g 1 May 1637. Quote from "History of Fairfield County, Conn ." by D.H. Hurd, 1881, pp. 334-5; "He was public-spirited , active and intelligent, and as legislator and magistrat e was instrumental in establishing two of the free and enli ghtened commonwealths of New England - Massachusetts and Co nnecticut. In 1647, he followed Ludlow to Fairfield and so ld his Windsor home to Gov. John Haynes. In 1648 and 1649 , he was the representative from Fairfield to General Court . In 1649, he was Ludlow's assistant or Lieutenant in milit ary operations. In 1651, 1653, and 1654, he was assistan t magistrate for towns "by the sea-side", including Fairfie ld (he was authorized to marry persons and to press horse s for the public welfare). In 1656, he was a witness for t he deed of Fairfield from the Indians in 1639-40. In Oct 1 653, he was one of 4 magistrates who sentenced goodwife Kna pp to be hung as a witch. His second marriage was to Sarah , widow of David Phippen of Boston, after 1654. The will s of both were presented 25 Aug 1659, probated 20 Oct 1659 , six children are mentioned. GMB has Dorchester 1632, Windsor 1636, Fairfield 1647 wit h no evidence for "Mary and John". Birthplace also given as Crewkerne, Somerset. Date of deat h also given as 1658. Jana Ulrich: George was a "surveyor, Indian trader, magistr ate, statesman and founder of a prominent branch of the Hul l family in America". (Weygant). Apparently he descended fr om an educated family as his brothers, Joseph and William b oth graduated from St. Mary's Hall at Oxford and were minis ters of the Church of England. Further evidence of his back ground is gleaned from the fact that his wife was the daugh ter of a "well-to-do yeoman of Stockland" (Ibid) in Dorsets hire. George sailed for the American colonies from Plymouth 30 Ma r 1629 / 30 on the Mary and John; his youngest son, Joshu a was baptised at Crewkerne 7 months after this date, indic ating that Thomasene and the young family were left in Engl and while George became part of the "Great Migration". He s hared the voyage with friends including George and John Lud low and future son-in-law Humphrie Pinney. He was a short t ime in Boston and went on to help settle the town of Dorche ster where he was on the first board of selectmen and was m ade a freeman 4 Mar 1632/3 and was the town's first represe ntative to the General Court. In 1636 he moved to Windsor Connecticut where he surveyed b oth Windsor and Wethersfield. In exchange for this service , he received his choice of homelots in Windsor where he ag ain represented his town in the General Court. It was her e in 1638 that he and Pinney, through the graces of the Gen eral Court, received a monopoly on the beaver trade on th e Connecticut River. In 1638 he followed his friend George Ludlow, now governo r of Connecticut, to Fairfield where he became the Genera l Court designated assistant to the governor. In 1651, '53 , '54 he was appointed by the governor as associate magistr ate for the towns by the seaside. He was apparently well connected on the political scene o f the blossoming colonies; Cotton Mather mentions him as do es Connecticut state historian Trumbull who groups him "wit h those whose names are worthy of perpetuation". Stiles, to o says that he was "a citizen of worth and distinction." Last Will and Testament of George Hull I George Hull, being feeble in body, yet of good and p erfect mind do now ordain this my last Will and Testament as followeth. Imprimus - I give and bequeath unto my loving wife th e third part of my estate, yf shee relinquish the twenty pounds which I promised her y f I died before her. Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Josias Hull ano ther third part of my estate. Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Cornelius Hull , one little feather bed now in Boston. Item - I give and bequeath also unto Corelius Hull for ty shillings to be paid out of the third of my estate. Item - I give unto my cousin Jane Pinkney twenty shill ings Item - I doe by these presents ordayne, constitute an d make my son Josias Hull and Sarah, my loving wife, the executors of this my last W ill and Testament. George Hull (seal) In presence of Alexander Knowles and Phi lip Pinckney Item - The rest of my estate, my debts and funeral exp enses being payd, I give to my four daughters, equaly divided, that is to Mary, Martha, El izabeth, Naomy George Hull (seal) In presence of Alexander Knowles an d Philip Pinckney It is unknown whether Sarah agreed to swap her prenuptual g uarantee of 20 pounds for a third of George's estate, as sh e died a few days after he did and their inventories were f iled together on August 25, 1659. Sarah's will of 12 Aug 1659 divided her estate to her Phipi n children and to her cousin Hane Pinkney. Sources: The Hull Family in America, Col Weygant; History o f Middlesex County, Connecticut, with biographical sketche s of its prominent men, Beers, J.B. & Co. - 1884; Some Note s on the Wellman and Bump families of Barry County Michigan , Harthy, Charles O. - 1992; Ancient Windsor - Stiles; Pion eers of Massachusetts, Pope, Charles Henry - 1900. 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Source: Dawes-Gates Ancestral Lines, Vol II, Gates and Alli ed Families, compiled by Mary Walton Ferris, privately prin ted 1931. Came to New England on "Mary and John", apparentl y leaving some family in England because his son Joshua wa s christened in England after his departure. Humphrey Pinne y, his son-in-law, John Strong, and Thomas Ford were on th e same ship. They settled on a neck of land in the Massach usetts Bay Colony called Mattapan by the Indians, Dorcheste r by the colonists. In 1633, George Hull had 3 cows. He b ecame a freeman 4 Mar 1632-33, was member of first board o f selectmen in 1633 and continued in 1634-36. He was the r epresentative from Dorchester to the first General Court o f the Mass Bay Colony in Boston, 14 May 1634. In the latte r half of 1636 or early 1637, he accompanied other Dorchest er people to found Windsor, CT. They were followers of Rog er Ludlow and were liberal in church matters than those i n the Mass Bay Colony. George Hull was one of ten on the g overning body of CT that decided in favor of war with the P equots, 1 May 1637. Capt Mason went with 90 men, only 5 we re killed. A second expedition left 27 Jun 1637 and comple ted the overthrow of the Pequots about 25 miles SW of New H aven, N of Fairfield. In 1637 his house lot was 30 rods wi de, next to son Josiah. Next was son-in-law Humphrey Pinne y. Edward Griswold and S. Hoyte also had lots in Windsor . He surveyed Windsor and Wethersfield. Together with Rog er Ludlow, on 5 Apr 1638 was granted exclusive permission t o trade for beaver with Indians. From 1637 to 1646, he wa s deputy to General Court for at least 31 sessions includin g 1 May 1637. Quote from "History of Fairfield County, Conn ." by D.H. Hurd, 1881, pp. 334-5; "He was public-spirited , active and intelligent, and as legislator and magistrat e was instrumental in establishing two of the free and enli ghtened commonwealths of New England - Massachusetts and Co nnecticut. In 1647, he followed Ludlow to Fairfield and so ld his Windsor home to Gov. John Haynes. In 1648 and 1649 , he was the representative from Fairfield to General Court . In 1649, he was Ludlow's assistant or Lieutenant in milit ary operations. In 1651, 1653, and 1654, he was assistan t magistrate for towns "by the sea-side", including Fairfie ld (he was authorized to marry persons and to press horse s for the public welfare). In 1656, he was a witness for t he deed of Fairfield from the Indians in 1639-40. In Oct 1 653, he was one of 4 magistrates who sentenced goodwife Kna pp to be hung as a witch. His second marriage was to Sarah , widow of David Phippen of Boston, after 1654. The will s of both were presented 25 Aug 1659, probated 20 Oct 1659 , six children are mentioned. GMB has Dorchester 1632, Windsor 1636, Fairfield 1647 wit h no evidence for "Mary and John". Birthplace also given as Crewkerne, Somerset. Date of deat h also given as 1658. Jana Ulrich: George was a "surveyor, Indian trader, magistr ate, statesman and founder of a prominent branch of the Hul l family in America". (Weygant). Apparently he descended fr om an educated family as his brothers, Joseph and William b oth graduated from St. Mary's Hall at Oxford and were minis ters of the Church of England. Further evidence of his back ground is gleaned from the fact that his wife was the daugh ter of a "well-to-do yeoman of Stockland" (Ibid) in Dorsets hire. George sailed for the American colonies from Plymouth 30 Ma r 1629 / 30 on the Mary and John; his youngest son, Joshu a was baptised at Crewkerne 7 months after this date, indic ating that Thomasene and the young family were left in Engl and while George became part of the "Great Migration". He s hared the voyage with friends including George and John Lud low and future son-in-law Humphrie Pinney. He was a short t ime in Boston and went on to help settle the town of Dorche ster where he was on the first board of selectmen and was m ade a freeman 4 Mar 1632/3 and was the town's first represe ntative to the General Court. In 1636 he moved to Windsor Connecticut where he surveyed b oth Windsor and Wethersfield. In exchange for this service , he received his choice of homelots in Windsor where he ag ain represented his town in the General Court. It was her e in 1638 that he and Pinney, through the graces of the Gen eral Court, received a monopoly on the beaver trade on th e Connecticut River. In 1638 he followed his friend George Ludlow, now governo r of Connecticut, to Fairfield where he became the Genera l Court designated assistant to the governor. In 1651, '53 , '54 he was appointed by the governor as associate magistr ate for the towns by the seaside. He was apparently well connected on the political scene o f the blossoming colonies; Cotton Mather mentions him as do es Connecticut state historian Trumbull who groups him "wit h those whose names are worthy of perpetuation". Stiles, to o says that he was "a citizen of worth and distinction." Last Will and Testament of George Hull I George Hull, being feeble in body, yet of good and p erfect mind do now ordain this my last Will and Testament as followeth. Imprimus - I give and bequeath unto my loving wife th e third part of my estate, yf shee relinquish the twenty pounds which I promised her y f I died before her. Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Josias Hull ano ther third part of my estate. Item - I give and bequeath unto my son Cornelius Hull , one little feather bed now in Boston. Item - I give and bequeath also unto Corelius Hull for ty shillings to be paid out of the third of my estate. Item - I give unto my cousin Jane Pinkney twenty shill ings Item - I doe by these presents ordayne, constitute an d make my son Josias Hull and Sarah, my loving wife, the executors of this my last W ill and Testament. George Hull (seal) In presence of Alexander Knowles and Phi lip Pinckney Item - The rest of my estate, my debts and funeral exp enses being payd, I give to my four daughters, equaly divided, that is to Mary, Martha, El izabeth, Naomy George Hull (seal) In presence of Alexander Knowles an d Philip Pinckney It is unknown whether Sarah agreed to swap her prenuptual g uarantee of 20 pounds for a third of George's estate, as sh e died a few days after he did and their inventories were f iled together on August 25, 1659. Sarah's will of 12 Aug 1659 divided her estate to her Phipi n children and to her cousin Hane Pinkney. Sources: The Hull Family in America, Col Weygant; History o f Middlesex County, Connecticut, with biographical sketche s of its prominent men, Beers, J.B. & Co. - 1884; Some Note s on the Wellman and Bump families of Barry County Michigan , Harthy, Charles O. - 1992; Ancient Windsor - Stiles; Pion eers of Massachusetts, Pope, Charles Henry - 1900.

Samuel Benedict

 William Benedict|I
 birt: 1521
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: Y
marr: ,,England
marr: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
 William Benedict|II 
 birt: 1553
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: Y
marr: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
marr: Bef 1585
plac: ,,England
  Mrs. William Benedict
 birt: BET. 1520 - 1535
plac: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
deat: Y
marr: ,,England
 William Benedict|III 
 birt: 1585
plac: Saxlingham-Nethe,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: 8 SEP 1629
plac: ,Suffolk,England
marr: 1612
plac: ,,England
marr: Abt 1622
plac: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
 Thomas Benedict|Sr. 
 birt: 1617
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: 28 FEB 1689/1690
plac: Norwalk,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
marr: 1640
plac: Southold,Suffolk Co.,New York
  Ann Hunloke 
 birt: 1592
plac: Wingerworth,Derbyshire,England
deat: 1618
plac: ,,England
marr: 1612
plac: ,,England
   Nicholas Walker
   birt: Abt 1503
plac: ,Derbyshire,England
deat: Y
marr: <,,England>
  Margaret Walker 
 birt: 1553
plac: ,,England
deat: 21 SEP 1601
plac: Wingerworth,Derbyshire,England
marr: <,,England>
marr: 1575
plac: Wingerworth,Derbyshire,England
  Mrs. Nicholas Walker
 birt: Abt 1511
plac: ,,England
deat: Y
marr: <,,England>
 Samuel Benedict 
birt: 1645
plac: Southold,Suffolk Co.,New York
deat: 17 APR 1719
plac: Danbury,Fairfield County,Connecticut

Mary Marvin
birt: SEP 1658
plac: Norwalk,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
deat: 22 JUL 1711
plac: Norwalk,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut

Rebecca Andrews
marr: 7 JUL 1678
plac: Norwalk,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
birt: 1651
plac: Fairfield,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
  Thomas Bridgum 
  birt: 1588
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: Y
marr: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
marr: Abt 1620
plac: <,Nottinghamshire,England>
 Mary Bridgum 
birt: BET. 1619 - 1621
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: 23 DEC 1693
plac: Marlborough,Middlesex Co.,Massachusetts
marr: 1640
plac: Southold,Suffolk Co.,New York
 Mercy Hurd 
birt: Abt 1592
plac: ,Nottinghamshire,England
deat: Y
marr: <,Nottinghamshire,England>

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at:


2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] See also PLKL-VN, M7DP-HT, P1BZ-M3, birth about 1651, abt 1 640, and 1645, respectively. BIRTH: Kraig Ruckel has 1640. Among the original eight purchasers of Danbury, CT. 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] See also PLKL-VN, M7DP-HT, P1BZ-M3, birth about 1651, abt 1 640, and 1645, respectively. BIRTH: Kraig Ruckel has 1640. Among the original eight purchasers of Danbury, CT.

Joseph Northrup

< Mary Northrup
birt: 1670
deat: Y
marr: Abt 1690

< Joseph Northrup
birt: 17 JUL 1649
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 31 JUL 1700
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 1688
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< Samuel Northrup
birt: 26 OCT 1651
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1 JUN 1700
marr: 11 MAY 1671
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< Jeremiah Northrup
birt: 19 JAN 1652/1653
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 11 APR 1734
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 1688
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

John Northrup
birt: 7 SEP 1656
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: Bef 1683

< Zophar Northrup
birt: 21 JUN 1661
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1729
marr: 1664

< Daniel Northrup
birt: 7 AUG 1664
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1728
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
marr: 1690
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< William Northrup
birt: 2 JUN 1666
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1728
marr: 1693
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

 Joseph Northrup 
 birt: Abt 1603
plac: ,Derbyshire,England
deat: 1690
 Joseph Northrup 
birt: 1619
plac: Wilkersfield,Yorkshire,England
deat: 11 SEP 1669
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

Mary Norton
marr: 9 JAN 1641/1642
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
birt: Abt 1627
plac: ,,England
deat: 24 JAN 1682/1683
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
 Katherine Birdsey 
birt: Abt 1603
plac: ,Derbyshire,England
deat: Abt 1623
plac: ,Derbyshire,England

John E Hoyt's Family Tree Chart | Map | List of Individuals | List of Surnames

Please contact me at:


2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Nick Green is source of Yorkshire origin. Joseph Northrup was of Milford, CT. (ref: Northrup-Northru p Genealogy, 1908 by A. Judd Northrup.) p. 206, Colket. Boston 1637, Milford 1639 d 11 Sep 1669. Joseph Northrup, probably from Yorkshire, England, was on e of the first settlers of Milford, Conn. The first plante rs of the town were enrolled Nov. 20, 1639; but Joseph no t then being in church fellowship, his name, (with others ) appears in the list immediately after the "free planters. " A part of the settlers were from Wethersfield, Conn., whi ther they had come from Watertown, Mass. They were part o f Sir Richard Saltonstall's company. Having become attache d to their pastor, Rev. Peter Prudden, from Egerton, Yorksh ire, England, they accompanied him to Milford. Another par t of the settlers were of Eaton and Davenport's company, -" of good characters and fortunes," - who landed in Boston, J uly 26, 1637, and settled in New Haven in April, 1638. The y were mostly from Yorkshire, Hertfordshire and Kent. Th e Hertfordshire families seem to have tended to Milford. The surname Northrup was spelled, as here given, in th e earliest deeds and records and inscriptions on tombstones , rup, sometimes rupp. About the time of the revolution, ap parently, many families changed it to Northrop. Jan. 9, 16 42, Joseph united with the First Church in Milford. Marrie d Mary, dau. of Francis Norton, who came to Milford from We thersfield with Rev. Peter Prudden. Died Sept. 11, 1669 . Will dated Sept. 1, 1669; His wife survived him. Invent ory of her estate dated Feb. 28, 1683. Children: 2. i . Joseph, 1649. 3. ii. Samuel, 1651. 4. iii. Jeremiah, 1654. iv. John, 1656. 5. v. Zophar, 1661. 6. vi. Daniel, 1664. 7. vii. William, 1666. viii. Mary, 1670. [Northrup Genealogy as printed in NEHGR July, 1889, pp. 242 -53] Joseph NORTHRUP, born 1619 Wilkersfeld, Yorkshire Co.(?) ,   England, immigrated (possibly from Bradford, Yorkshir e Co. England) to America, July 26, 1637 aboard the "Hecto r and Martin"; one of "Eaton and Davenport" Co. ships, die d Sept. 11, 1669.   He married (1639, Milford, New Haven Co . Conn) Mary Norton, daughter of Francis Norton and Mary Ho ughton.  Their children were: Joseph, Samuel, Jeremiah, Joh n, Sophar, Daniel, William, and Mary. 40. Northrup - Peck Genealogy (1877), app. xiv 1255. NORTHRUP-NORTHROP Genealogy. Desc. of Joseph, who cam e from England in 1637, One of the Orig. Settlers of Milfor d, CT, 1639., By A. J. Northrup, 461pp., 1908, PHOTOCOPY; F LEX. VINYL COVERS, $92.50 With lists of Northrups in the Revolution. NORTHRUP - Northrop gen.; rec. of the known desc. of Josep h Northrup, an orig. settler of Milford, Conn., in 1639, by A.J. Northrup . 473p. 1908. $74.00 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Nick Green is source of Yorkshire origin. Joseph Northrup was of Milford, CT. (ref: Northrup-Northru p Genealogy, 1908 by A. Judd Northrup.) p. 206, Colket. Boston 1637, Milford 1639 d 11 Sep 1669. Joseph Northrup, probably from Yorkshire, England, was on e of the first settlers of Milford, Conn. The first plante rs of the town were enrolled Nov. 20, 1639; but Joseph no t then being in church fellowship, his name, (with others ) appears in the list immediately after the "free planters. " A part of the settlers were from Wethersfield, Conn., whi ther they had come from Watertown, Mass. They were part o f Sir Richard Saltonstall's company. Having become attache d to their pastor, Rev. Peter Prudden, from Egerton, Yorksh ire, England, they accompanied him to Milford. Another par t of the settlers were of Eaton and Davenport's company, -" of good characters and fortunes," - who landed in Boston, J uly 26, 1637, and settled in New Haven in April, 1638. The y were mostly from Yorkshire, Hertfordshire and Kent. Th e Hertfordshire families seem to have tended to Milford. The surname Northrup was spelled, as here given, in th e earliest deeds and records and inscriptions on tombstones , rup, sometimes rupp. About the time of the revolution, ap parently, many families changed it to Northrop. Jan. 9, 16 42, Joseph united with the First Church in Milford. Marrie d Mary, dau. of Francis Norton, who came to Milford from We thersfield with Rev. Peter Prudden. Died Sept. 11, 1669 . Will dated Sept. 1, 1669; His wife survived him. Invent ory of her estate dated Feb. 28, 1683. Children: 2. i . Joseph, 1649. 3. ii. Samuel, 1651. 4. iii. Jeremiah, 1654. iv. John, 1656. 5. v. Zophar, 1661. 6. vi. Daniel, 1664. 7. vii. William, 1666. viii. Mary, 1670. [Northrup Genealogy as printed in NEHGR July, 1889, pp. 242 -53] Joseph NORTHRUP, born 1619 Wilkersfeld, Yorkshire Co.(?) ,   England, immigrated (possibly from Bradford, Yorkshir e Co. England) to America, July 26, 1637 aboard the "Hecto r and Martin"; one of "Eaton and Davenport" Co. ships, die d Sept. 11, 1669.   He married (1639, Milford, New Haven Co . Conn) Mary Norton, daughter of Francis Norton and Mary Ho ughton.  Their children were: Joseph, Samuel, Jeremiah, Joh n, Sophar, Daniel, William, and Mary. 40. Northrup - Peck Genealogy (1877), app. xiv 1255. NORTHRUP-NORTHROP Genealogy. Desc. of Joseph, who cam e from England in 1637, One of the Orig. Settlers of Milfor d, CT, 1639., By A. J. Northrup, 461pp., 1908, PHOTOCOPY; F LEX. VINYL COVERS, $92.50 With lists of Northrups in the Revolution. NORTHRUP - Northrop gen.; rec. of the known desc. of Josep h Northrup, an orig. settler of Milford, Conn., in 1639, by A.J. Northrup . 473p. 1908. $74.00

Mary Norton

< Mary Northrup
birt: 1670
deat: Y
marr: Abt 1690

< Joseph Northrup
birt: 17 JUL 1649
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 31 JUL 1700
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 1688
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< Samuel Northrup
birt: 26 OCT 1651
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1 JUN 1700
marr: 11 MAY 1671
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< Jeremiah Northrup
birt: 19 JAN 1652/1653
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 11 APR 1734
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 1688
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

John Northrup
birt: 7 SEP 1656
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: Bef 1683

< Zophar Northrup
birt: 21 JUN 1661
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1729
marr: 1664

< Daniel Northrup
birt: 7 AUG 1664
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1728
plac: Ridgefield,Fairfield Co.,Connecticut
marr: 1690
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

< William Northrup
birt: 2 JUN 1666
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
deat: 1728
marr: 1693
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

 Richard Norton
 birt: 1517
plac: Sharpenhow,Bedfordshire,England
deat: 16 JAN 1565/1566
plac: Streathley,Bedfordshire,England
 William Norton 
 birt: 1558
plac: Sharpenow,Kent,England
deat: 19 OCT 1622
plac: St. Michael,Cornhill,London,England
marr: 15 MAY 1583
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
  Margery Wingate
 birt: 1528
plac: Sharpenhow,Bedfordshire,England
deat: 25 NOV 1572
plac: Streathley,Bedfordshire,England
 Francis Norton 
 birt: 1590
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
deat: 27 JUL 1667
plac: Piscataqua,Hillsboro,New Hampshire
marr: Abt 1609
plac: Piscataqua,Hillsboro,New Hampshire
  Dionesia Cholmeley 
 birt: Abt 1570
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
deat: Y
marr: 15 MAY 1583
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
 Francis Norton 
 birt: 1606
plac: of London,Middlesex,England
deat: 23 FEB 1666/1667
plac: New Haven,New Haven Co.,Connecticut
marr: 1625
plac: <,,England>
 Mary Norton 
birt: Abt 1627
plac: ,,England
deat: 24 JAN 1682/1683
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

Joseph Northrup
marr: 9 JAN 1641/1642
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
birt: 1619
plac: Wilkersfield,Yorkshire,England
deat: 11 SEP 1669
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
  John Houghton
  birt: of Hocuth,Northamptonshire,England
deat: Y
  Thomas Houghton 
  birt: of Hocuth,Northamptonshire,England
deat: Y
  Nicholas Houghton 
  birt: of Parish of St. Margaret,New Fish St.,London,England
deat: 1648
marr: <,,England>
   Mary Greene 
deat: Y
 Mary Houghton 
birt: Abt 1610
plac: ,,England
deat: Y
marr: 1625
plac: <,,England>
  Gregory Newnam 
  deat: Y
 Ellinor Newnam 
deat: Aft 1648
marr: <,,England>

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2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Birthplace given as Wethersfield, Hartford, CT in 1627. To o early for that location. 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Birthplace given as Wethersfield, Hartford, CT in 1627. To o early for that location.

Francis Norton

< Elizabeth Norton
birt: Abt 1643
plac: prob Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
deat: 13 APR 1710
plac: Boston,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
marr: 21 SEP 1671
plac: Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
marr: 12 MAY 1688
plac: Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts

< Mary Norton
birt: Abt 1627
plac: ,,England
deat: 24 JAN 1682/1683
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 9 JAN 1641/1642
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

 Richard Norton 
 birt: 1517
plac: Sharpenhow,Bedfordshire,England
deat: 16 JAN 1565/1566
plac: Streathley,Bedfordshire,England
 William Norton 
 birt: 1558
plac: Sharpenow,Kent,England
deat: 19 OCT 1622
plac: St. Michael,Cornhill,London,England
marr: 15 MAY 1583
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
  Margery Wingate 
 birt: 1528
plac: Sharpenhow,Bedfordshire,England
deat: 25 NOV 1572
plac: Streathley,Bedfordshire,England
 Francis Norton 
 birt: 1590
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
deat: 27 JUL 1667
plac: Piscataqua,Hillsboro,New Hampshire
marr: Abt 1609
plac: Piscataqua,Hillsboro,New Hampshire
  Dionesia Cholmeley 
 birt: Abt 1570
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
deat: Y
marr: 15 MAY 1583
plac: Sharpenhoe,Kent,England
 Francis Norton 
birt: 1606
plac: of London,Middlesex,England
deat: 23 FEB 1666/1667
plac: New Haven,New Haven Co.,Connecticut

Mary Houghton
marr: 1625
plac: <,,England>
birt: Abt 1610
plac: ,,England
deat: Y

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Please contact me at:


2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Alt Death: 27 Jul 1667 Charlestown, MA 28. Norton - Nash's Fifty Puritan Ancestors, 64-7, 158 a fishmonger or haberdasher "In social, political and military relations Capt. Norton s eems to have stood high." 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] Alt Death: 27 Jul 1667 Charlestown, MA 28. Norton - Nash's Fifty Puritan Ancestors, 64-7, 158 a fishmonger or haberdasher "In social, political and military relations Capt. Norton s eems to have stood high."

Mary Houghton

< Elizabeth Norton
birt: Abt 1643
plac: prob Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
deat: 13 APR 1710
plac: Boston,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
marr: 21 SEP 1671
plac: Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts
marr: 12 MAY 1688
plac: Charlestown,Suffolk Co.,Massachusetts

< Mary Norton
birt: Abt 1627
plac: ,,England
deat: 24 JAN 1682/1683
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut
marr: 9 JAN 1641/1642
plac: Milford,New Haven County,Connecticut

 John Houghton 
 birt: of Hocuth,Northamptonshire,England
deat: Y
 Thomas Houghton 
 birt: of Hocuth,Northamptonshire,England
deat: Y
 Nicholas Houghton 
 birt: of Parish of St. Margaret,New Fish St.,London,England
deat: 1648
marr: <,,England>
  Mary Greene 
deat: Y
 Mary Houghton 
birt: Abt 1610
plac: ,,England
deat: Y

Francis Norton
marr: 1625
plac: <,,England>
birt: 1606
plac: of London,Middlesex,England
deat: 23 FEB 1666/1667
plac: New Haven,New Haven Co.,Connecticut
  Gregory Newnam 
  deat: Y
 Ellinor Newnam 
deat: Aft 1648
marr: <,,England>

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2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] 29. Houghton - Wadsworth Family (1904), 15 pages; White Gen ealogy (1900), 78, 545-53 883. HOUGHTON Gene. Desc. of Ralph and John Houghton of Lan caster, MA. With Intro. giving Houghton Families of Eng. 10 65-1848, By J. W. Houghton, 582pp., 1912, PHOTOCOPY; FLEX . VINYL COVERS; ILLUS., $121.50 2 SOUR S28928 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: May 9, 2002 [Olmsted05-07-02.GED] 29. Houghton - Wadsworth Family (1904), 15 pages; White Gen ealogy (1900), 78, 545-53 883. HOUGHTON Gene. Desc. of Ralph and John Houghton of Lan caster, MA. With Intro. giving Houghton Families of Eng. 10 65-1848, By J. W. Houghton, 582pp., 1912, PHOTOCOPY; FLEX . VINYL COVERS; ILLUS., $121.50

Richard Olmstead, Holmstead, Amstead, von Holmstedt

 Richard Olmstead, Holmstead, Amstead, von Holmstedt 
birt: Abt 1410
plac: Felstead,Essex,England

marr: Abt 1450
plac: Felstead,Essex,England

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NAME ORIGIN: Checking the LDS search of name Olmstead, I received many variations of the Olmstead, Holstead, Ampstead name variation..from Germany. Olmstead's could of immigrated from germanic homelands or vice versa from England to Germanic lands, but we have dates with the Amstead's and Holstead's in the LDS search in the 1500's also, as with The PATRIARCH's Richard, John & James Olmstead being in the 1400's?? Which came first?? Name through y-DNA of the Olmstead so far tests "R1b", or anglo-saxon and of European decent of 10,000-12,000 years ago, (Haplogroup as Defined by Family Tree DNA – R1b Haplogroup R1b is the most common haplogroup in European populations. It is believed to have expanded throughout Europe as humans re-colonized after the last glacial maximum 10-12 thousand years ago. This lineage is also the haplogroup containing the Atlantic modal haplotype (AMH)). quite possibly the Richard Olmstead Branch could be of Germanic Origin, with the name changing from the germanic variations to the english variations of, Am(p)st(e)(a)d, Holmste(a)d or Olmste(a)d, dropping the (von), and the last letter (t). Example of LDS "John E Hoyt" 09/30/2006 12:54 AM To cc Subject Olmstead surname variant - LDS search on Early Armistead and Holmstead branches in Germany & England LDS search on ARMISTE(A)D & HOLMSTE(A)D GERMANY ARMISTEAD, GERMANY You searched for: Armistead [refine search] , Germany Exact Spelling: Off Matches: All Sources - 6 Ancestral File 1. Johann Jacob AMSTADT - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1725 <, , Germany> 2. Johann Jacob AMSTADT - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1726 <, , Germany> 3. William ARMISTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1714 Matches: Ancestral File - 3 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- International Genealogical Index - Germany 4. Mary Armistead - International Genealogical Index / GE Gender: Female Birth: About 1754 Of Hesse, , , Germany 5. Mary Armistead - International Genealogical Index / GE Gender: Female Birth: About 1754 Of, , , Hessen Matches: International Genealogical Index/Germany - 2 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Web Sites 6. Carter Surname Page - Web Sites =//////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOLMSTEAD; GERMANY (this name might be the original name variant?????? John) You searched for: Holmstead, GERMANY [refine search] , Germany Exact Spelling: Off Matches: All Sources - 10 Ancestral File 1. Adelheid VON HOLMSTEDT - Ancestral File Gender: F Marriage: Abt 1674 Of Hannover, Hannover, Prussia 2. Adelheid VON HOLMSTEDT - Ancestral File Gender: F Death/Burial: 5 Jun 1708 Nienburg, Weser, Hannover, Prussia 3. Anders Andersson HOLMSTEDT - Ancestral File Gender: M Death/Burial: 1805 , , , Germany Matches: Ancestral File - 3 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Census - 1880 US Census 4. Bu HOLMSTEAD - 1880 United States Census / Dakota Territory Other Gender: Female Birth: <1868> GER Matches: Census/1880 US Census - 1 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Pedigree Resource File 5. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Birth/Christening: abt 1637 Hannover, Prussia 6. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Birth/Christening: abt 1640 ,,Hannover,Prussia 7. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Marriage: abt 1674 Of Hannover, Hannover, Prussia 8. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Marriage: abt 1674 of Hannover,Hannover,Prussia 9. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Death/Burial: 5 Jun 1708 Nienburg, Weser, Hannover, Prussia 10. Adelheid von Holmstedt - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Death/Burial: 5 Jun 1708 Nienburg,Weser,Hannover,Prussia Matches: Pedigree Resource File - 6 --/////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HOLMSTEAD, ENGLAND You searched for: Holmstead [refine search] , England Exact Spelling: Off Matches: All Sources - 145 Ancestral File 1. Anne HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Birth/Christening: Abt 1526 Of, Fryerning, Essex, England 2. Anne HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Birth/Christening: < 1507 3. John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1596 4. John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1500 Of, Ingateston, Essex, England 5. John HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: Abt 1613 Lynn, Norfolk, England 6. John (Hollingshed) HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1575 Of, Halsted, Essex, England 7. Margaret (Hollingshed) HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: F Birth/Christening: Abt 1601 Of, Halsted, Essex, England 8. Mrs-John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Birth/Christening: < 1504 Of, Ingateston, Essex, England 9. Richard HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: Abt 1590 Of Ipswich, Suffolk, England 10. William HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Birth/Christening: < 1846 11. Ann HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Marriage: Abt 1529 Ingatestone, Essex, Eng. 12. Anne HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Marriage: Abt 1551 Of, Fryerning, Essex, England 13. John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 14. John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: M Marriage: Abt 1551 Of, Fryerning, Essex, England 15. John HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Marriage: 1634 , , England 16. John (Hollingshed) HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: M Marriage: Abt 1622 Of, Halsted, Essex, England 17. Margaret (Hollingshed) HOLMSTEAD - Ancestral File Gender: F Marriage: Abt 1622 Of, Halsted, Essex, England 18. Mrs-John HOLMSTED - Ancestral File Gender: F Marriage: Abt 1551 Of, Fryerning, Essex, England Matches: Ancestral File - 18 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Census - 1880 US Census 19. Anne HOLMSTEDT - 1880 United States Census / New York Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1858> ENGLAND Matches: Census/1880 US Census - 1 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Census - 1881 British Census 20. Adelaide HOLMSTED - 1881 British Census / Essex Visitor Gender: Female Birth: <1843> Bocking, Essex, England 21. John HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / Northampton Head Gender: Male Birth: <1825> Irchester, Northampton, England 22. Mary Ann HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / Northampton Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1838> Odell, Bedford, England 23. Alfred HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / York Head Gender: Male Birth: <1854> Seagry, Wiltshire, England 24. Mary HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / York Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1850> Spio..., Berkshire, England 25. Anne F. HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Essex Visitor Gender: Female Birth: <1841> Bocking, Essex, England 26. Thomas HOMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Kent Head Gender: Male Birth: <1822> Higham, Kent, England 27. Henry J. HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Middlesex Lodger (Head) Gender: Male Birth: <1839> London Bloomsbury, London, Middlesex, England 28. Charles HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Middlesex Lodger Gender: Male Birth: <1849> Essex, England 29. Geo. HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Head Gender: Male Birth: <1844> Barking, Essex, England 30. Mary HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1841> Shoeberry, Essex, England 31. Alice HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1870> Bromley, Middlesex, England 32. Florence HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1872> Poplar, Middlesex, England 33. Katy HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1874> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 34. Arthur HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Son Gender: Male Birth: <1878> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 35. Amelia HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1880> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 36. Elizabeth HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Serv Gender: Female Birth: <1861> Barling, Essex, England 37. Jemima HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Serv Gender: Female Birth: <1863> North Shoebury, Essex, England 38. William HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Head Gender: Male Birth: <1830> Barling, Essex, England 39. Sarah HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1830> Barling, Essex, England 40. William HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Son Gender: Male Birth: <1865> Barling, Essex, England 41. Emily HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1867> Barling, Essex, England 42. Mary HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1870> Barling, Essex, England 43. Ellen HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1871> Barling, Essex, England 44. Martha HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1872> Barling, Essex, England 45. Adelaide HOLMSTED - 1881 British Census / Essex Visitor Gender: Female Birth: <1843> Bocking, Essex, England 46. John HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / Northampton Head Gender: Male Birth: <1825> Irchester, Northampton, England 47. Mary Ann HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / Northampton Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1838> Odell, Bedford, England 48. Alfred HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / York Head Gender: Male Birth: <1854> Seagry, Wiltshire, England 49. Mary HOMESTEAD - 1881 British Census / York Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1850> Spio..., Berkshire, England 50. Anne F. HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Essex Visitor Gender: Female Birth: <1841> Bocking, Essex, England 51. Thomas HOMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Kent Head Gender: Male Birth: <1822> Higham, Kent, England 52. Eliza HOMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Kent Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1830> Ireland 53. Henry J. HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Middlesex Lodger (Head) Gender: Male Birth: <1839> London Bloomsbury, London, Middlesex, England 54. Rebecca HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Middlesex Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1855> Barcelona B Sub, Spain 55. Charles HOLMESTED - 1881 British Census / Middlesex Lodger Gender: Male Birth: <1849> Essex, England 56. Geo. HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Head Gender: Male Birth: <1844> Barking, Essex, England 57. Mary HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1841> Shoeberry, Essex, England 58. Alice HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1870> Bromley, Middlesex, England 59. Florence HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1872> Poplar, Middlesex, England 60. Katy HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1874> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 61. Arthur HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Son Gender: Male Birth: <1878> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 62. Amelia HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Surrey Dr Gender: Female Birth: <1880> Bermondsey, Surrey, England 63. Elizabeth HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Serv Gender: Female Birth: <1861> Barling, Essex, England 64. Jemima HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Serv Gender: Female Birth: <1863> North Shoebury, Essex, England 65. William HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Head Gender: Male Birth: <1830> Barling, Essex, England 66. Sarah HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Wife Gender: Female Birth: <1830> Barling, Essex, England 67. William HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Son Gender: Male Birth: <1865> Barling, Essex, England 68. Emily HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1867> Barling, Essex, England 69. Mary HOLMSTEAD - 1881 British Census / Essex Daur Gender: Female Birth: <1870> Barling, Essex, England Matches: Census/1881 British Census - over 25 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Census - 1881 Canadian Census 70. F. W. HOLMSTED - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Male Birth: <1848> England 71. Geo HOLMSTEAD - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Male Birth: <1841> England 72. A. HOLMSTEAD - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Male Birth: <1808> England 73. Eliza HOLMSTEAD - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Female Birth: <1813> England 74. Alice HOLMSTEAD - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Female Birth: <1844> England 75. Ann HOLMSTEAD - 1881 Canadian Census / Ontario Gender: Female Birth: <1805> England Matches: Census/1881 Canadian Census - 6 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- International Genealogical Index - British Isles 76. Dorothy Holmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1567 Newton, Bedford, England 77. Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: 16 AUG 1885 Haynes, Bedford, England 78. Alice L. Olmsted - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: 06 AUG 1886 Stotfold, Bedford, England 79. Dorothy Holmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1567 Newton, Bedford, England 80. Dorothy Holmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1567 Newton, Bedford, England 81. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Of, , Buckingham, England 82. ABIGAIL OMSTEAD - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: < 1782> 83. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Newport Pagnell, Buckingham, England 84. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Newport Pagnell, Buckingham, England 85. James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Birth: 04 DEC 1580 Of, , Buckingham, England 86. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Newport Pagnell, Buckingham, England 87. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Newport Pagnell, Buckingham, England 88. ABIGAIL OMSTEAD - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: < 1782> 89. James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Birth: 04 DEC 1580 Of, , Buckingham, England 90. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1583 Newport Pagnell, Buckingham, England 91. JOHN HOLMSTEAD - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Marriage: 08 JUN 1771 Wooburn, Buckingham, England 92. James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Marriage: About 1603 Of, , Buckingham, England 93. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Marriage: About 1603 Of, , Buckingham, England 94. ABIGAIL OMSTEAD - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Marriage: < 1803> 95. James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Marriage: About 1603 Of, , Buckingham, England 96. Mrs James Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Marriage: About 1603 Of, , Buckingham, England 97. Elizabeth Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: About 1640 Olmstead, , Cambridge, England 98. RICHARD HOMESTED - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Marriage: 03 NOV 1606 Bartlow, Cambridge, England 99. Richard Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Male Christening: 20 FEB 1612 Hartford, Cheshire, England 100. Elizabeth Olmstead - International Genealogical Index / BI Gender: Female Birth: < 1534> Matches: International Genealogical Index/British Isles - over 25 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Pedigree Resource File 101. Dorothy HOLMSTEAD - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Birth/Christening: abt 1545 , , England 102. Elizabeth HAMPSTEAD HOLMSTEAD MARGERY - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Birth/Christening: England 103. Henry HOLMSTEAD - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: England 104. John Holmstead - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1611 of Beau Manor,Lancashire,England 105. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1596 Fairsted, Essex, England 106. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1600 England 107. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1604 of, Essex, , England 108. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1596 Fairsted, Essex, England 109. John Holmstead - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1611 of Beau Manor,Lancashire,England 110. JOHN HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1596 FAIRSTED,ESSEX,ENGLAND 111. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1596 Fairstead,Essex,England 112. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1599 Fairsted,Essex,England 113. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1592 of, , England 114. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1592 Of, , England 115. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1568 Ipswich, Suffolk, England 116. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1592 Ipswich,Suffolk,England 117. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1567 Of,,,England 118. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Birth/Christening: abt 1590 Ipswich, Suffolk, England 119. Agnes Holmstead - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Marriage: 26 Jul 1587 Farnham,Essex,England 120. Ann Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Marriage: abt 1529 Ingatestone,Essex,Eng. 121. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 122. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 123. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 124. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 125. John HOLMSTEAD - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 1634 England 126. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essexshire,England 127. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 128. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 129. John Holmstead - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 1634 of Beau Manor,Lancashire,England 130. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 131. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 132. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 133. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 134. John HOLMSTEAD - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 1634 Herne Hill, Canterbury, Kent, England 135. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 136. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 137. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 138. John Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 139. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 140. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 141. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted,Essex,England 142. John HOLMSTED - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 15 Apr 1623 Fairsted, Essex, England 143. John HOLMSTEAD - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Marriage: 1634 , , England 144. Agnes Holmstead - Pedigree Resource File Gender: F Death/Burial: 11 Feb 1625 England 145. Richard Holmsted - Pedigree Resource File Gender: M Death/Burial: Deceased England Matches: Pedigree Resource File - over 25



Richard Olmstead, Holmstead, Amstead, von Holmstedt
marr: Abt 1450
plac: Felstead,Essex,England
birt: Abt 1410
plac: Felstead,Essex,England

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Please contact me at:

Edna Salina Runnells

 Edna Salina Runnells 
birt: 9 MAY 1885
deat: 15 JAN 1940

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from Hoyt History, by Sara Baldwin (Clark) Hoyt & Eliz. Mary (Hoyt) Price, givwen to John E. Hoyt by Donne Puckle, May 2006, pg 22. Addition 4. IV, George Herbert Hoyt, born November 4, 1885; gradate of Dartmouth College; business-real estate and appraising; married June 23, 1910 in Hyde Park, Massachusetts, his father, Henry N. Hoyt to Edna Selina Runnells, born May 9, 1885, graduate of Mt. Holyoke College, she died January 15, 1940. Their children and grandchildren are: A. Gwendolyn Hoyt, born July 27, 1911; 2 years at University of California. Married May 9, 1935 to John Dobner Phillips who was born May 29, 1908, graduate of University of California, and Boat Law School. World War II. He was Lieutenant in Military Government Division of Navy. Overseas duty in South Pacific. In Berkeley he has been Assistant City Attorney, Assistant City manager and Director of Personnel; since July 31. 1951 Berkeley City Manager. Their children are; a. Sheila Elizabeth Phillips born April 5, 1939. b. Joan Wendy Phillips, born November 30, 1942. B. Henry Runnells Hoyt (Hany), born February 8, 1914; graduate of University of California; World War II. Service in U. S. in Aviation; business-automobile sales management. Married March 6, 1948 to Mrs. Charlotte Wright Merkle who was bom June 5, 1921; 2 years at San Bernardino Jr. College. Their children are: a. Stephen Eugene Hoyt, born January 4, 1945 as Stephen Eugene Merkle. Legally adopted and given surname of Hoyt after marriage of Harry and Charlotte. b. David Randall (Randy) Hoyt, born October 19, 1948. C. David Clark Hoyt, born September 25, 1915; 2 years at University of California; World War II. Service; Mountain Infantry Regiment; killed in action in Italy April 15, 1945: awarded Bronze Star for bravery beyond the call of duty. Married December 29, 1943 Frances Moceri. Lived in army camps during training. When David went overseas, Fran returned to her home in Tacoma, Washington. One child: a. Anita Elizabeth (Betty) Hoyt, born July 20, 1945. D. Edna Elizabeth (Betty) Hoyt, born June 23, 1920, on parents' 10th wedding anniversary; died June 13, 1937. *22

Charlotte Wright, Merkle

Stephen Eugene Merkle, Hoyt

 Charlotte Wright, Merkle 

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Stephen Eugene Merkle, Hoyt

 Stephen Eugene Merkle, Hoyt 
 Charlotte Wright, Merkle 

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Clifton Herbert Price|Uncle Bud

 Clifton Price 
 deat: 2 FEB 1942
plac: Berkeley,Alameda Co.,CA
marr: 31 MAY 1900
 Clifton Herbert Price|Uncle Bud 
birt: 7 APR 1910
deat: SEP 1995

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DEATH: EMAIL SOURCE: Jean Hoyt (Puckle) Davidson From: Jerry Davidson To: 'John E Hoyt' Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:07 AM Subject: RE: Puckle-Davidson-Hoyt family Hi again Benjamin Hoyt died in 1896 in Leavenworth Kansas. Rosina died May 1886 in Union City, Michigan. Frances Gertrude Hoyt (Fannie) was born 21 Feb. 1846 and died 11 Dec. 1904 at Hyde Park, Mass. She had married Alexander Beethoven Brown and there were 4 children. Henry Nelson Hoyt, my great grandfather, was born 28 sept, 1848 in Meridian, NY. He died 7 Sept 1910 in Wakefield, Mass. Sara Baldwin Clark Hoyt was born 3 October, 1850 in Union City, Michigan and died 27 Feb. 1923 at Quincy, Calif. She was probably visiting her daughter Elizabeth Mary Price, my grandmother. She and Clifton were divorced, and Clifton had remarried. Clifton died 2 Feb. 1942, at Berkeley, California, almost 2 weeks before my sister and I were born. Elizabeth, my Granny Pete, died 18 Dec. 1961, at Santa Clara, Calif. My aunt Margaret owned a home in Santa Clara for years. Margaret passed away 19 Jan 1994, at Hollister, Calif. My uncle Bud (Clifton Herbert) did, I think, in September of 1995. Sara had a sister Mary Matilda Clark, b. 31 Oct. 1845. She married John Williams Streeter MD 2 Sept 1869, in Branch Co., Mich.I don't know much more about her. Dr. Streeter had a hospital in Chicago at one time. Jean ======================================== from Hoyt History by Sara Baldwin (Clark) Hoyt & Eliz. Mary (Hoyt) Price, given to John E. Hoyt, by Donne Puckle, May 2006, pg. 19. Descendants of Henry N. Hoyt and Sarah Clark. 1. Elizabeth Mary; born July 6, 1878, Hamden, Maine; freshman year at U.C. Berkeley, 2 years at Wellesley, 4 more at U.C., specializing in natural sciences while she kept boarders, after which she graduated with a Phi Beta Kappa pin on her chest, even if it did take her 40 years to finish. Many happy summers as Nature Counselor in camps, 2 years on National Staff of Girl Scouts as Nature Advisor in Washington, Oregon and California -- having the time of her life then several years of executive work in Girl Scouting, a period of limited health enlivened by her German refugee project . 'Friendliness Unlimited," sewing for her grandchildren, baby-sitting and reading who brings her, shall we say, keeps her up-to-date. Married, May 31, 1900 to Clifton Price, assistant professor of Latin in U.C. Berkeley, who had graduated from Cornell University and received his PhD from Yale. He died in January 1942. Their children are: A. Margaret Price, born October 17, 1906 in Oakland, California; graduate of University of Oregon at Eugene; teacher of physical education in Santa Clara High School. Many summers' experience as camp counselor and camp director. Member of Palo Alto Yacht Club where she owns her own cruising sloop. B, Clifton Hubert Price, born April 7, 1910: 1 year at San Jose State College. C. Elizabeth Price, his twin, born April 7, 1910; married Raymond Donne Aufrere Puckle in London, England, November 8, 1938; graduate of University of California cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, much experience as camp counselor and director, graduate of National Recreation School in New York, on National Recreation Association editorial scale. Returned to California with the 3 children as soon as that was over and her husband followed as soon as he was mustered out of the English army. All happy to be in this country. Moved in 1952 from Walnut Creek, California to Salt Lake City, Utah . Their children are: a. Donne Erving Puckle, born June 17, 1940, London England. ---------------------- For additional information on these three see the Addendum attached to that end of the Hoyt Genealogy. *19

Carrie Ann Colegrove

 Carrie Ann Colegrove 

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Brandon Kyle Sutton

 Brandon Kyle Sutton 

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Adah ?

 Adah ? 

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Grace Lueilla Crittenden

 Benjamin Franklin Crittenden 
 birt: Riceville,TN.
 Grace Lueilla Crittenden 
birt: 10 AUG 1909
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN
deat: 29 DEC 1993
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN.

 Ella Rice|Mary 
birt: 29 JUN 1878
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN.
deat: 24 OCT 1957
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN.

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BURIAL: Email Source for Riceville-TN-Cemetery_ From: DHoyt53297 at aol dot com To: Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:39 PM Subject: Re: Emailing: P7310022.JPG, P7310021.JPG John--The Crittenden relatives buried in Riceville are: my paternal grandparents--Benjamin Franklin Crittenden and Ella Rice Crittenden and some of their children: Luther Rice Crittenden (he was named after a famous circuit riding Baptist minister circa 1850 who founded Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta Georgia) He collected funds which enabled another minister to conduct a mission in Africa. I think that he was my great, great grandfather. My father, Charles Paul Crittenden is buried there as are the 2 sisters, Mellisa Gertrude, who died in the 1940's in her 40's of breast cancer. She was a nurse and my father always said I resembled her. The second sister was Grace Luellla Crittenden (Bailey) who was an elementary school teacher. I got to know her and she died 12/29 (somewhere in the '90s) She gave alot of money to missions. The brothers who are not buried there are: Arlie Crittenden (buried in Kalamazoo, MI), John Crittenden and Robert Crittenden who lived in California and were cremated and the cremains were scattered in the sea. John was a longshoreman who knew Eric Hoffer who wrote a famous book in the 60's which I don't remember the title of right now. Have a good day

Charlene Crittenden Hoyt OCCUPATION: an elementary school teacher

Arlie Crittenden

< Mary Crittenden

 Arlie Crittenden 
birt: 1 NOV 1913
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN
deat: 16 JUL 1976
plac: Borgess Hospital,Kalmazoo Co.,Kalamazoo,MI

Lucille ?

Lucille ?

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Note #1 -Mr. Arlie Crittenden - 5632 Cheshire, Portage, passed away at Borgess Hospital July 16, (1976). He was born November 1, 1913 in Riceville, Tennessee. Prior to his retirement was employed for over 20 years at General Motors in Grand Rapids in the Maintenance Department. He was a veteran of World War II having served in the U.S. Army overseas, he frought (sic) at the Battle of the Bulge, he also received the Purple Heart and several other commendation medals. He was a member of the Grand Rapids VFW post. He is survived by his wife Lucille, one daughter Mrs. Richard (Mary) Cooper of Kalamazoo, one grandson Rich, two brothers John and Robert Crittenden of Mayfield, California, one sister, Mrs. Grace Bailey of Riceville, Tennessee. Funeral services will be held Monday at 1 pm at the Truesdale Chapels of the Pines, Westnedge at Milham, Portage with Rev. Merlin Buwalda of the Lexington Green Christian Reformed Church officiating. Friends may call at the Chapel at 2 pm Sunday. source: Kalamazoo Gazette Sat 17 July 1976 BURIAL: Email Source for Riceville-TN-Cemetery_ From: DHoyt53297 at aol dot com To: Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:39 PM Subject: Re: Emailing: P7310022.JPG, P7310021.JPG John--The Crittenden relatives buried in Riceville are: my paternal grandparents--Benjamin Franklin Crittenden and Ella Rice Crittenden and some of their children: Luther Rice Crittenden (he was named after a famous circuit riding Baptist minister circa 1850 who founded Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta Georgia) He collected funds which enabled another minister to conduct a mission in Africa. I think that he was my great, great grandfather. My father, Charles Paul Crittenden is buried there as are the 2 sisters, Mellisa Gertrude, who died in the 1940's in her 40's of breast cancer. She was a nurse and my father always said I resembled her. The second sister was Grace Luellla Crittenden (Bailey) who was an elementary school teacher. I got to know her and she died 12/29 (somewhere in the '90s) She gave alot of money to missions. The brothers who are not buried there are: Arlie Crittenden (buried in Kalamazoo, MI), John Crittenden and Robert Crittenden who lived in California and were cremated and the cremains were scattered in the sea. John was a longshoreman who knew Eric Hoffer who wrote a famous book in the 60's which I don't remember the title of right now. Have a good day

Charlene Crittenden Hoyt

Melissa Gertrude Crittenden

 Melissa Gertrude Crittenden 
birt: 19 JUL 1896
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN.
deat: BET. 1940 - 1949
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN.|Breast Cancer

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BURIAL: Email Source for Riceville-TN-Cemetery_ From: DHoyt53297 at aol dot com To: Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:39 PM Subject: Re: Emailing: P7310022.JPG, P7310021.JPG John--The Crittenden relatives buried in Riceville are: my paternal grandparents--Benjamin Franklin Crittenden and Ella Rice Crittenden and some of their children: Luther Rice Crittenden (he was named after a famous circuit riding Baptist minister circa 1850 who founded Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta Georgia) He collected funds which enabled another minister to conduct a mission in Africa. I think that he was my great, great grandfather. My father, Charles Paul Crittenden is buried there as are the 2 sisters, Mellisa Gertrude, who died in the 1940's in her 40's of breast cancer. She was a nurse and my father always said I resembled her. The second sister was Grace Luellla Crittenden (Bailey) who was an elementary school teacher. I got to know her and she died 12/29 (somewhere in the '90s) She gave alot of money to missions. The brothers who are not buried there are: Arlie Crittenden (buried in Kalamazoo, MI), John Crittenden and Robert Crittenden who lived in California and were cremated and the cremains were scattered in the sea. John was a longshoreman who knew Eric Hoffer who wrote a famous book in the 60's which I don't remember the title of right now. Have a good day

Charlene Crittenden Hoyt DEATH: Died at age 40 of Breast Cancer. Email Source From: DHoyt53297 at aol dot com To: Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 2:39 PM Subject: Re: Emailing: P7310022.JPG, P7310021.JPG John--The Crittenden relatives buried in Riceville are: my paternal grandparents--Benjamin Franklin Crittenden and Ella Rice Crittenden and some of their children: Luther Rice Crittenden (he was named after a famous circuit riding Baptist minister circa 1850 who founded Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta Georgia) He collected funds which enabled another minister to conduct a mission in Africa. I think that he was my great, great grandfather. My father, Charles Paul Crittenden is buried there as are the 2 sisters, Mellisa Gertrude, who died in the 1940's in her 40's of breast cancer. She was a nurse and my father always said I resembled her. The second sister was Grace Luellla Crittenden (Bailey) who was an elementary school teacher. I got to know her and she died 12/29 (somewhere in the '90s) She gave alot of money to missions. The brothers who are not buried there are: Arlie Crittenden (buried in Kalamazoo, MI), John Crittenden and Robert Crittenden who lived in California and were cremated and the cremains were scattered in the sea. John was a longshoreman who knew Eric Hoffer who wrote a famous book in the 60's which I don't remember the title of right now. Have a good day

Charlene Crittenden Hoyt

Lucille ?

 Lucille ? 

Arlie Crittenden
birt: 1 NOV 1913
plac: Riceville,Mc Minn Co.,TN
deat: 16 JUL 1976
plac: Borgess Hospital,Kalmazoo Co.,Kalamazoo,MI

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William Alberda

Stillborn Alberda

 William Alberda 

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