List of Individuals
Amero, Living (2)
Amero, Living (3)
Amero, Marion
Amero, Mildred Ellen
Ames, Anne
Ames, Fiske
Ames, Hazel M.
Ames, Ira V.
Ames, James
Ames, Joseph
Ames, Living
Ames, Living (1)
Ames, Living (2)
Ames, Living (3)
Ames, Living (4)
Ames, Living (5)
Ames, Living (6)
Ames, Living (7)
Ames, Living (8)
Ames, Living (9)
Ames, Living (10)
Ames, Living (11)
Ames, Living (12)
Ames, Living (13)
Ames, Living (14)
Ames, Olive
Ames, Susannah
Ames, William Henry
Amestris bint Abihail, AKA Queen (Esther)
Amestris of Artaxerxes II, Associates of
Amestris of Darius II, Associates of
Amestris of Otanes, Associates of
Amestris of Oxanthres, Associates of
Amgualoyt*, Gurdumn ap
Ami, Emma Elizabeth
Amiens, Mrs Richard
Amiens, Richaldi De D'
Amiens, Richard I Count of
Amirault, Agnes Jane
Amirault, Agnes Jane (1)
Amirault, Bernard
Amirault, Bertha Ann
Amirault, Ephraim Freeman
Amirault, George
Amirault, George Arnold
Amirault, Gladys
Amirault, James Kenneth
Amirault, Living
Amirault, Lucy Mae
Amirault, Mary Alma
Amirault, Mary Catherine
Amirault, Mary Etta
Amireau, Mary Lavinia
Amita/ (Wife of Darius I,
Ammerman, Albert M
Ammerman, Charles J
Ammerman, Gertrude E
Ammerman, Ida Maggie
Ammerman, Jay B
Ammiel, Eliam
Ammiel, Queen Bathsheba bat
Amminadab, Nashon ben
Ammonitess, Naamah the
Amnemhat III of Sesostris III, AKA Pharaoh (Amenemhet III)
Amnemhat IV of Amenemhet III, AKA Pharaoh (Amenemhet IV)
Amnia, Mary* of
Amodeo, Living
Amols, G. R.
Amols, J. R.
Amon ben Manasseh, Associates of King
Amon ben Manasseh/|King|King of Judah (640 BC, Josiah II (Joash) (Josias) ben
Amon, Josiah Ben
Amos, Annie Ceal
Amos, Bernice Katherine
Amos, Daisy
Amos, Deborah
Amos, George
Amos, George Luther
Amos, Henry Clay
Amos, Irene
Amos, John
Amos, John Lewis
Amos, Leftridge
Amos, Lewis Jerome
Amos, Little G.
Amos, Marie
Amos, Mary R.
Amos, Mattathias Ben
Amos, Mattie J.
Amos, Merri
Amos, Mildred Francis
Amos, Ruth
Amos, Ruth Lewis
Amos, Susan
Amos, William Covington
Amos/|A, Auby Jerome
Amosis I of Seqenenre Taa II, AKA Pharaoh (Ahmose)
Amram ben Bani, Associates of
Amsdell, Rebecca May
Amun-em-wia of Ramesses II, Associates of
Amun-her-khepseshef of Ramesses II, AKA Prince (Amenhirkhops)
Amunemhat of Amenhotep I, Associates of Prince
Amunemhet I of Senusret I, AKA Pharaoh (Amenemhet I)
Amunemhet II of Senusret I, AKA Pharaoh
Amunemhet III of Sesostris III, AKA Pharaoh (Amenemhet III)
Amunemhet/ V Sankhibra Ameny Inyotef|Pharao,
Amunemhet/ VI Sobekhotep II Sekhemra Khutawy|Pharao,
Amunet/ (Henhenet) (wife of Montuhotep II)|Quee,
Amunet/ (wife of Montuhotep III)|Quee,
Amy, (1)
Amy, (2)
Amyas, Jane
Amyas, John
Amyas, Magdalen
Amyas, Robert
Amyitis of Pepy II, AKA Pharaoh (Neitaqerti)
Amyntor, Hephaestion of
Amyntor, Hephaestion of (1)
Amyrtaios/ (Amyrtaeus)|Pharao,
Amytis/ Princess of Babylonia (3rd m.,
Amzi ben Zechariah, Pelaliah ben
Anah, Oholibamah Ben
Anaiah/ (The Nehemiah Covenant Maker,
Anan/ (The Nehemiah Covenant Maker,
Anani ben Elioenai, Associates of
Anarawd*, Elise Ap
Anarawd*/ King of Gwynedd|King of Gwynedd|The Bald /Foel, Idwal Ap
Anathoth/ (Exiles with Zerubbabel)|(Exiles with Zerubbabel, Men of
Anchises, Anchisa
Ancitel*, Count De Bayeux
Andea*, ?
Andea*, Eva
Andelfieda/ Audeflede Meroving Princess of Franc,
Anderne, Maud
Anders, Gertrude Leone
Andersen, Anders Christian
Andersen, Hilma Augusta
Andersen, Malcolm Little
Andersen, Merlin Jonas
Anderson, A. P.
Anderson, Absalom
Anderson, Absolom
Anderson, Absolom, Jr.
Anderson, Ada Euphemia
Anderson, Afton Rayola
Anderson, Agnes
Anderson, Agnes Emerette
Anderson, Allen Herbert
Anderson, Alma
Anderson, Andrew
Anderson, Andrew (1)
Anderson, Ann
Anderson, Ann Duckett
Anderson, Anna Ethel
Anderson, Anna Mary
Anderson, Anne
Anderson, AnneMarie Elizabeth
Anderson, Annie
Anderson, Anthony
Anderson, Archibald Edmond
Anderson, Asa
Anderson, Astrid
Anderson, Benjamin
Anderson, Benjamin Wetmore
Anderson, Berna Pearl
Anderson, Blake Jensen
Anderson, C.
Anderson, Cassandra
Anderson, Catharine
Anderson, Catherine
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Charles (1)
Anderson, Charles F.
Anderson, Charles Hamilton
Anderson, Charles Van Buren
Anderson, Christiana Katy
Anderson, Claudius
Anderson, Cleo Larue
Anderson, Clifton
Anderson, Cora
Anderson, Cora Vaile
Anderson, Cornelia Beall
Anderson, Daughter Two
Anderson, Delight
Anderson, Deserett Matilda
Anderson, Dessie
Anderson, Dewitt
Anderson, Dora
Anderson, Dora Eve
Anderson, Dorcas
Anderson, Doris
Anderson, Doyle Merrill
Anderson, Earl
Anderson, Edmond
Anderson, Edmund
Anderson, Edward
List of Surnames
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