List of Individuals
Farrar, Jacob
Farrar, Jacob (1)
Farrar, John
Farrar, John (1)
Farrar, John (2)
Farrar, Mary
Farrar, Mary (1)
Farrar, Mercy
Farrar, William
Farrell, Janine Ann
Farrell, Living
Farrell, Living (1)
Farrell, Living (2)
Farrell, Living (3)
Farrer*, Jacob
Farrer*, John
Farrer, Joanna
Farrimond, Henry
Farrimond, Richard
Farrimond, Thomas
Farrimond/ ,Banks|,Bank, Sarah Ellen (Nellie)
Farrington, Caroline M.
Farrington, Josephine
Farrington, Mary
Farrington, Una Eliza
Farrington, William
Farrington, William Henry
Farris, L. R.
Farris, Living
Farron, Mary
Farrow, Grace
Farrow, Gweneth
Fast, Amanda
Fast, Anna
Fast, Benjamin
Fast, Charles A
Fast, Christine
Fast, Ellen
Fast, Elnora
Fast, Franklin
Fast, Jacob
Fast, Jacob (1)
Fast, Jacob E
Fast, Mary M
Fast, Phoebe Ann
Fast, Zada
Fastolf/ KNIGHT|KNIGH, John
Fastrade/ COUNTESS OF FRANCE|COUNTESS OF FRANC, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire
Fat', Count of Savoie Humbert II 'the
Fauconberg, *Peter of
Fauconberg, *Walter of
Faulkner, Jane
Faulkner, Mary
Faulkner, William
Fauntz, Christina
Faust, Living
Faust, Ruth Ilene
Fausta Sulla,
Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix, (Son) of
Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix/|Consu,
Faustus Cornelius Sulla I/|Senato,
Faustus Cornelius Sulla II,
Faustus Cornelius Sulla III,
Faustus Cornelius Sulla Lucullus III/|Senato,
Faustus, AKA Senator (Faustus Cornelius Sulla I)
Faverson, Francious
Faverson, Noel
Favor, Aaron
Favor, Cutting
Favor, Jacob Gordon
Favor, Mr.
Favor, Ruth Augusta
Favor, Sally
Favor, William Aaron
Fawcks, Living
Fawks, Living
Fay, Bathsheba
Fay, Edwin Ruthven
Fay, Katherine Maria
Faye, Estella
Fayerfoxe/|/Fairfax, Elizabeth
Feake, Judith
Fear, Catherine
Fear, William
Fears, Susan
Feathers, Donna
Featherstone, Annie
Featherstone, Deborah
Featherstone, Edith
Feddans, Rensje
Federico, King of Sicily
Fedigan, Jennifer
Fedigan, Kelley Sue
Fedigan, William
Fedigan, William James
Fedlimid*/|The Law-giver /Rechtmar, High King of Ireland
Fee, Michael
Feece, Sadie
Feener, Clarence
Feener, Living
Feener, Living (1)
Feener, Living (2)
Fei, Go Ng
Feineler, Living
Feineler, Living (1)
Feineler, Living (2)
Feineler, Living (3)
Feke, Sarah
Felbrig, Elizabeth
Feld, William
Feldaman, Frank
Feldhake, Dianna
Feldhake, Juliet
Feldhake, Renae
Feldhake, William
Feldner, Anna
Feldpausch, Abbey Lee
Feldpausch, Jacob Charles
Feldpausch, Patrick John
Felicitas*, Queen of Aragon
Felipe, Prince of Castile & Leon
Felix, Ella E.
Felkin*, Elizabeth
Fell, A. E.
Fell, A. E. (1)
Fell, Albert Henry
Fell, Alston A.
Fell, Alston Arthur
Fell, Andrew
Fell, B. A.
Fell, B. A. (1)
Fell, C. J.
Fell, Catherine
Fell, Christopher (Christina)
Fell, Daniel
Fell, E. A.
Fell, E. F.
Fell, E. H.
Fell, Eli
Fell, Elizabeth
Fell, Elizabeth Ann
Fell, Emily Jane
Fell, Eve Magdelena
Fell, Frederick
Fell, Henry
Fell, Howard Raymond
Fell, Infant
Fell, J. A.
Fell, J. E.
Fell, J. R.
Fell, K. L.
Fell, Leroy Jacob
Fell, Lula M.
Fell, Mary
Fell, Mary Ellen
Fell, Mary M.
Fell, N. T.
Fell, Nicholas
Fell, Paul Erven
Fell, Phillip
Fell, R. T.
Fell, Ruby May
Fell, S. P.
Fell, S. W.
Fell, Thomas E
Fell, William
Fell, William S.
Fell/ Jr.|Jr, Henry Jacob
Fell/ Jr.|Jr, R. T.
Fell/ Sr.|Sr.|Jaco, Henry Jacob
Fell/|Dr, Egbert Howard
Fell/|Dr, George Alfred , Dr.
Fell/|Dr, Jack Warner , Dr.
Fell/|Dr, Ranald Hoyt
Fell/|E, Egbert Erven
Feller, Catherine
Fellers, Ann
Fellows, Bernice
Fellows, Edwin D.
Fellows, Errick
Fellows, George Leroy
Fels, Living
Fels, Living (1)
Felt, Almira
Felt, Harry K.
Felton*, Margaret
Felton*, William
Felton, Daniel
Felton, Eleanor
Felton, Thomas
Felty (Carpenter), Gertrude
Felty (Smith), Allie
Felty, Katherine or Catherine
Felty/ *|, Frederick 'Fred'
Felty/ *|, Wayne
Fendigaid/ ap Llediaith|ap Llediait, Arch Druid "Bran the Blessed"

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